6 Ways an Adjustable Bed Can Improve Your Sleep

6 Ways an Adjustable Bed Can Improve Your Sleep

How many times have you woken up feeling stiff and achy? While this may be caused by a number of different issues, these pains are much more likely to occur when you sleep on a completely flat surface. That’s where an adjustable base comes into play.

The beauty of adjustable bases is that you can pick exactly how you want yourself positioned while you sleep. If you suffer from localized physical pains, your adjustable bed can transform to help relieve those pain points to make you more relaxed and comfortable while you sleep.

It’s a brand new year, and a new year calls for a new sleep system. Start considering the value of tech-savvy adjustable bases and beds.

What Is An Adjustable Base?

An adjustable base is a multi-hinged surface that supports compatible mattresses. With a corresponding remote, you can adjust your bed’s angles to enjoy several different ergonomic positions. Adjustable bases provide comfort, customization, and support that generic bases and beds do not.

Benefits Of An Adjustable Base

Adjustable beds are a great investment because they are long-lasting and support your ever-changing sleeping needs every night. Whether you currently sleep in a healthy or unhealthy position, adjustable bases can bring you an overall healthier sleeping experience. Other benefits of adjustable bases include:

1. Puts less strain on your heart. Traditional beds don’t always evenly distribute your body’s pressure over the entire surface area. Lying on a completely flat surface can force your heart to work harder while taking in oxygen and pumping it to your bloodstream. With an adjustable base, however, you can adjust the angles of the bed to promote easier breathing, better blood circulation, and reduce the burden on your heart.

2. Easier recuperation. Sleep is meant for both your brain and body to recuperate from the trials and tribulations of the day. For those suffering from specific injuries or bodily discomfort, the customized nature of adjustable bases can help aid you on the road to recovery. Issues such as arthritis, asthma, cramps, neck or back pain, and heart abnormalities can all benefit from the personalization of an adjustable base.

3. Healthier posture = better sleep. People emphasize having good posture while sitting and standing throughout the day, but it’s just as important to have at night as well. Maintaining good posture while you sleep is crucial to your health.

Using an adjustable base can support the natural curvature of your spine while you are sleeping — which is especially crucial for stomach sleepers. This will reduce your chances of stiffness, strained muscles, and scoliosis.

Physical discomforts that interrupt deep sleep can also be avoided by maintaining a healthy sleeping position throughout the night.

4. Helps reduce snoring. If you struggle with snoring, adjustable bases can help. By angling your body into more of an upright position throughout the night, your nasal passageways will be unobstructed, making it easier to breathe. Elevation, even just a little, allows for better airflow, which helps reduce snoring.

5. Wide range of ergonomic positions. Adjustable bases are not only great for sleeping, but also for many other activities while lounging around. These activities include reading, writing, typing, and watching television.

With the click of a button, your bed can transition into an upright position. This way, your back, andhead can relax against the soft surface of your mattress, rather than against a firm wall or headboard.

6. Independence. Some adjustable bases have split features straight down the middle of the mattress. If you sleep with a partner, these features give you the freedom to comfortably sit upright with your laptop, while your partner sleeps flat, or at an angle, right next to you — and vice versa.

Adjust Your Sleep With An Adjustable Base

Traditional beds are built for anyone and everyone. The issue is — no two people sleep the exact same way. Even those who sleep in the same positions require different sleeping conditions. Why? Because every person’s body is different.

Generic beds simply will not conform to your exact sleeping and lounging needs. Luckily, adjustable bases easily allow you to customize your sleeping experience so you can improve your health and get better sleep. Upgrade to an adjustable base today to see firsthand the difference it can make in your sleep and your daily well-being.

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